Tag: Play-to-earn games

  • Is NFT A Passing Fad Or A Burgeoning Market With Long-Term Potential

    Is NFT A Passing Fad Or A Burgeoning Market With Long-Term Potential

    The world has witnessed a lot of products that have stood the test of time. Jump.trade is a no different situation. It might not, therefore, be easily possible to predict if something will last only for the moment or will create a long living legacy. But, with Jump.trade NFTs we aim only at creating history […]

  • Gaming – 2020 vs 2022 – What has changed?

    Gaming – 2020 vs 2022 – What has changed?

    Comparison always happens between two contrasting time periods! We would never have expected to compare two eras separated by just one year between them. Comparing what gaming was in 2020 and what it is in 2022 might seem like an overkill… But it cannot be denied that a lot has changed when it comes to […]