The Ultimate Community Building Guide For Your Play-to-Earn Blockchain Game

The Ultimate Community Building Guide For Your Play-to-Earn Blockchain Game

Web3 has redefined and reinvented gaming for everyone. People who have emerged themselves in this novel world of gaming will know that Web3, through NFTs, not only provides people with complete ownership of their gaming assets but also opens up opportunities for gamers to earn money through playing games, commonly referred to as P2E games. 

One thing that sets apart Web3 games from what existed until recently is the focus given to the community. It is not that gaming communities were any less important before, but with Web3 and P2E, it has become the epicentre of communication.

Decentralisation and community go hand in glove. If a company has to create a game that is resonant with the emotions of the community, they do not have an option, but to have a robust community presence, prompt feedback, mechanism, and engaging sessions with the community, and it all should culminate in the community being made to feel that they are important.

We at are proud to say, or rather flaunt the fact that we have an engaged community that keeps its steady inflow of feedback and inputs, who asks us questions that prompt us to bring new features, and in addition, also acts as a decentralised support system, where they address the questions of newbies who have just entered into the world of Meta Cricket League in specific and P2E/Web3 gaming at large.

Web3 is all about sharing and open information. We thought we would share what we do to engage our community, so you can also take a couple of cues from it. 

PS: We strongly urge you to treat this article below with a pinch of salt. Please do not consider them as strong pieces of advice, but just inferences from our experience.

Keep it continuous:

Let us all admit it. We all need people to talk to and that talking is better when we resonate. Our community is a group of gaming and NFT enthusiasts, who have been very energetically playing Meta Cricket League, series after series. To keep our community activity going, we ensure that we have something or the other happening on community platforms like Discord.

There are so many emotions binding our community together, and a few of them are gaming, P2E, cricket, and NFT collection. We can always talk about any of these, and they are bound to make our community more engaged and interactive.

Give the community a sense of pride:

Humans always crave recognition and our community is not an exception! We give them a lot of contests that they can participate in and win real-time benefits. It is in addition to the rewards that they can win from the game and the profit they can make from trading NFTs.

Make them feel privileged:

Our community, on channels like Discord, has chosen to be active participants. As a token of appreciation for their involvement, we ensure that any information is announced first on Discord before anywhere else. This would give our community a sense of exclusivity because they know that they are first-hand recipients of information that is not available to the rest of the world.

This exclusivity is not confined to just information but also to certain other activities like testing the game. This also serves as a perfect feedback mechanism for our community because we believe that our community has the best interests of Meta Cricket League in their mind ahead of anything else!

Make them feel heard:

We have to wholeheartedly appreciate the community because they have chosen to open up in the community. We consider it to be constructive criticism because the community counts on us to act upon it (and we ensure to act upon our community feedback)

We make sure that we have a team who is always there to look at what the community is talking about and promptly respond to them. We understand that all responses might not be solutions, but the least we can do is to ensure that we acknowledge what our community sees in the channels.

Closing words

We get it that what we have stated above might not be entirely special, but sometimes we feel that it is the most common and trivial thing that gets missed out. Our community has grown in terms of both magnitude of numbers and intensity of interaction, and we thought we will give the larger Web3 community a few things to learn and to infer from what we have learned from our community! 

Happy P2E gaming, and happy community building!!

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